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User / Nature by Travis Bonovsky / Sets / Birds with fall backdrops
120 items

N 25 B 696 C 4 E Oct 29, 2018 F Oct 29, 2018
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Sugar Maples from the cemetery in background

N 18 B 103 C 4 E Oct 18, 2024 F Oct 19, 2024
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The female Red-bellied Woodpecker is still returning frequently to my natural "stump feeder" for black oil sunflower seeds. This was taken just before 6pm yesterday evening and the sun was pretty low already. Not long after, I watched the sun set, and was surprised at how early it was -just 6:23pm. Hennepin County, MN 10/18/24

N 16 B 152 C 9 E Oct 11, 2024 F Oct 12, 2024
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Not from up north, but here in Minneapolis. A female Red-bellied Woodpecker stocking up on sunflower seeds against a backdrop of a massive maple tree. Hennepin County, MN 10/11/24

N 17 B 142 C 6 E Jul 15, 2024 F Jul 18, 2024
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Another, slightly different capture of the same Spotted Sandpiper I shared here earlier this week. Maybe it's kinda weird, but I liked how this completely unplanned photo turned out. Anoka County, MN 07/15/24

N 8 B 134 C 0 E Nov 30, 2023 F Nov 30, 2023
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I got some brief but much needed time outside today. It was healing to see the sunshine, feel the chill of November, and be able to sit on the ground and watch the last sunset of meteorological fall. To my surprise, there was one tree at the cemetery with enough leaves to create an orangish background. I could hardly believe it given all the windy days we've had, and it being the last day of November! I even found a few Bluebirds. So I guess I should take back what I said earlier about them not staying here much longer past Halloween. Hennepin County, MN 11/30/23
