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User / rosiehardy / Sets / 365 Days
276 items

N 413 B 146.0K C 159 E Aug 25, 2008 F Aug 25, 2008
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"According to statistics in the USA, there are 367 deaths due to drug abuse per week, which translates into two deaths per hour."

When Sleeping Beauty tragically pricked her finger on a needle, it wasn't exactly the spinning needle her father had lead the media to believe...


I wasn't able to take a 365 yesterday due to my duties as bridesmaid at my sisters wedding!! However I have uploaded some photos of the big day to mine and my aaron's blog.

My best friend Colette came over today, and she helped me set up and take today's photo! It was super fun, though I had trouble finding somewhere who would sell me needles!


N 199 B 77.8K C 20 E May 4, 2008 F May 4, 2008
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This was a series I made a couple month or so ago. At the time I was head over heels for this guy, who was like my best friend - we did everything together, he was fantastic and amazing and the weirdest thing I found was that he actually had feelings for me... anyway, he left to go travelling for 4 months, and my house didn't feel the same without him in it. And I couldn't just sit there and let my feelings mull, so out came the camera...

Tags:   your house polaroid love miss you

N 748 B 190.8K C 222 E Jan 16, 2009 F Jan 16, 2009
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im not having a great day today :(
i got an email this morning telling me i was ignorant for making fun of bulimics in this picture which is completely the opposite of what i was trying to do - the whole point of that series was to raise awareness of serious issues like domestic abuse, eatings disorders, racism etc. Not to make fun of people. I felt so bad after that email.

Me and my mum had a horrible argument last night and it made me realize what a shitty daughter I've been. Sometimes I get really self-involved and dont give appreciation to the people around me and last night brought me back down to earth again and I need to change that. Me and my mum are going to try and learn how to cook together, with dad and aaron as guinea pigs. poor them.

so yeah, not a great day, but theres still time to make it better. i have a shit ton of exam revision to do, so im going to spent the next 5hours or so doing that.

Tags:   JustImagine long hair

N 336 B 125.9K C 59 E Jul 25, 2008 F Jul 26, 2008
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"Oh your reputation is so golden
You're never lonely and you're never home
I know you've been talking about leaving
You've lost all your feeling for this town.
Paint your nails and put your lipstick
You don't want to miss your ticket out."


Holy crap, me and Aaron took these yesterday and came inside to edit them and fell straight asleep on my bed - fully clothed - and didn't wake up until this morning! Yesterday was such a big day, trekking round the zoo and hours upon hours on coaches!

I am having such an amazing time! It's so surreal. I was so used to seeing my love as pixels on a computer screen, its the most incredible feeling just to touch his skin and hold his flesh and listen to his voice. I am the luckiest girl in the world, not to mention the happiest!!

Today we are going canoing, so we have to wear wet suits!! Damn sexy....


N 1.5K B 219.1K C 294 E Nov 12, 2008 F Nov 12, 2008
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Today was AWESOME
I had two lessons - one of which we sat around and talked about interesting stuff, and the other where we watched a video! Then I went home, and on the bus there I sat next to an old lady who smelt just like my grandma. She died in February and I haven't smelled her smell since then so that brought back alot of nice memories. Then I got home and got a subway (yay!) and the guy gave me 10% off :D I saw the prettiest thing ever walking home - about a million birds EVERYWHERE so I figured that would be my picture today!


Mine and Aaron's accounts are now 'moderate' because someone on flickr keeps flagging our accounts, which is a bummer. We hope our photos don't offend anyone, they aren't intended to for sure. We've both written to flickr and asked for a review, but this has happened before, and if it happens again and doesn't get resolved, we may post our 365s elsewhere. gah :(

OH and GOOD NEWS I got an interview at the savannah college of art and design (SCAD) in america!!!! its in december, i cant wait!


Tags:   infinestyle B-E-C The Dante Circle
