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User / SivamDesign / Sets / Cormorants
Sandeep Gangadharan / 30 items

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N 53 B 30.3K C 54 E Oct 31, 2010 F Jun 19, 2014
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A pretty clear shot of this smallish, slender cormorant that has a triangular head profile as seen here. They are gregarious and often found in larger bodies of water and rivers where communal hunting could appear like a stampede. Sexes are similar, but non-breeding adults and juveniles are browner and lack the neck plumes. Similar in appearance to the Little Cormorant but distinguishable by its slender bill, more peaked appearance to its head, blue eyes and lack of the glossy black plumage of the smaller bird.

Clicked a few years back with my old P&S, the versatile Lumix FZ8.

Tags:   panasonic lumix dmcfz8 fz8 fauna bird indian shag cormorant indian cormorant phalacrocorax fuscicollis breeding

N 9 B 1.4K C 48 E Oct 22, 2011 F Oct 28, 2011
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My first shots of the Great Cormorant and first shot of any cormorant in flight. Was taken by surprise when this fellow took off from close but was quick to take some shots. This one was clicked just when the bird took a quick backward glance at me. This is a very common and widespread bird species. It feeds on the sea, in estuaries, and on freshwater lakes and rivers. Adults have white thigh patches in the breeding season as seen in this photo. The Great Cormorant can dive to considerable depths, but often feeds in shallow water. It frequently brings prey to the surface. A wide variety of fish are taken.

Tags:   canon eos 550d rebel t2i kiss x4 Canon EF 300mm f/4L IS USM bird fauna great cormorant great cormorant great black cormorant black cormorant black shag phalacrocorax carbo flight breeding

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Saw this Little Cormorant drying off perched on the branch of a dead tree besides a river. They are often seen perched on poles, trees or rocks with their wings spread open to dry after having dived into the water looking for fish, tadpoles and crustaceans. Their range includes most of India south of the Himalayas. Their short, thick necks and head are distinctive.

Tags:   panasonic lumix dmcfz8 fz8 fauna bird little cormorant little cormorant phalacrocorax niger non-breeding

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Caught this Little Cormorant while it took a breathing break. The foraging behavior and diving pattern of the Little Cormorant varies significantly due to environmental characteristics of the habitat, such as type of fish present or type of body of water.

Tags:   canon eos 550d rebel t2i kiss x4 Canon EF 300mm f/4L IS USM bird fauna little cormorant little cormorant phalacrocorax niger
