A flock of Canada Geese flying low over the ocean while one of their flock attempts to catch up.
Canada Geese are commonly seen all over these days, but did you know in the early 1900's their numbers had been decimated due to habitat loss and hunting. Today there are more than 5 million Canada Geese across North America thanks to conservation efforts and regulations.
Tags: geese Canada Geese Canadian Geese feathers shorebirds wild geese ocean coastal waters nature birds of North America birds of the Pacific Northwest sandy hill photography wildlife flying birds in flight flocks of geese animals
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Though a common bird, I find the Dark-eyed Juncos one of the most adorable little sparrows with their big dark eyes, distinctive markings and expressive body language. The one pictured is an Oregon Junco.
This flashy little sparrow can be found flitting about forest floors of the western mountains and Canada, then flood the rest of North America for winter. This abundent little sparrow are known by some as the "snowbirds" of the middle latitudes. Over most of the eastern United States, they appear as winter sets in, and then retreat northward each spring.
Tags: juncos juncos of North America sparrows snowbirds adorable birds cute perching birds
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While walking along a sandy ocean shoreline in late October, I spotted this cute and cheery looking little Savannah Sparrow perched on one of many driftwoods along the beach. It struck a pose for enough time to get in a couple of shots, before taking off on wing!
Savannah Sparrows are one of the more numerous songbirds in North America. Look for this striking little sparrow in grassy areas within their range.
Tags: savannah sparrows sparrows Renfrew south west Vancouver Island birds of Vancouver Island songbirds of BC birds of the Pacific Northwest feathers driftwood cute birds sandy hill photography
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A flock of female Common Mergansers hanging out in an estuary on a sunny autumn day.
The Common Merganser
( merges Merganser) is a species of duck native to North America, but also found in certain areas of Europe. Both sexes carry elegant features, although they have very different colouring. The common Merganser is the largest of the duck species and a symbol of Canada's natural beauty.
Tags: mergansers female mergansers ducks estuaries ocean marshes birds of Vancouver Island birds of North America birds of the Pacific Northwest feathers birds ducks of Vancouver Island autumn sandy hill photography
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A young adult male Red-winged Blackbird is perched among wild rose bushes now covered in bright red rose hips as the winter takes grip over the much milder autumn weather.
Tags: birds birds of Vancouver island birds of the pacific northwest birds of North America blackbirds red-winged blackbirds rose hips winter Cowichan bay south Vancouver island south east Vancouver island sandy hill photography
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