A small herd of Bighorn Mountain Sheep Ewes and their young make their way up the steep rock cliffs where they are safe from most predators.Bighorn sheep typically inhabit alpine meadows, grassy mountain slopes and foothills near rugged, rocky cliffs and bluffs. Bighorn sheep cannot move though deep snow, so they prefer drier slopes where the annual snowfall is less than about sixty inches a year. A bighorn’s winter range usually lies 2,500-5,000 feet in elevation, while its summer range is tends to be 6,000-8,500 feet. Besides being highly susceptible to to certain diseases carried by domestic sheep such as scabies and pneumonia; additional mortality occurs as a result of accidents involving rocks falling and or falling off cliffs (a hazard of living in steep, rugged terrain). Bighorns are well adapted to climbing steep terrain where they seek cover from predators. Predation primarily occurs with lambs which are hunted by coyotes, bobcats, lynxes and golden eagles. Bighorn sheep of all ages are threatened by wolves, bears and especially cougars, which are perhaps best equipped with the agility to predate in uneven, rocky habitats.They are considered good indicators of land health because the species is sensitive to many human-induced environmental problems. In addition to their aesthetic value, bighorn sheep are considered desirable game animals by hunters.
To purchase cards & prints, including matted, framed, mounted and canvas, click link, www.redbubble.com/people/islandlady154/works/9497482-rock...
”Taken on Sept 13/12 at 6:14pm between Cranbrook B.C. and Waterton National Park, Alberta, Canada.Camera, Canon 7DLens, Canon EF 100-400mm L IS USM lens.Taken at 1/2000’s at f/10, 170 mm, iso 800, man white bal.No cropping, edited in Lightroom 4.2
Tags: Bighorn sheep Bighorn Sheep nature wildlife climbing rock climbing rocks canada Alberta autumn fall sunny herd wild sheep wild Sandy Stewart photography wildlife photos Photos color
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A Pacific Tree Frog sitting on a Geranium flower waiting patiently in hopes for an insect to pass by close enough to catch for a meal.
Also known as the Pacific Chorus Frog, this small amphibian has a range spanning the Pacific Northwest, from Northern California, Oregon, and Washington to British Columbia in Canada and southern Alaska. They live from sea level to more than 10,000 feet in may types of habitats, reproducing in aquatic settings. They occur in shades of greens to browns and can change colors over periods of hours and weeks.
Tags: frogs pacific tree frogs chorus frogs little frogs ambitions nature wet life cute sandy hill photography photos ribbit flowers geraniums
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Last light as a winter sun lowers behind the clouds and a calming ocean horizon on a winter's evening.
Taken in Port Renfrew on Vancouver Island, B.C..
Tags: British Columbia Canada port renfrew bc winter beach ocean tides calming sunset
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Purple Finches can be seen across southern Canada and north-eastern United States. It winters in the eastern half of the United States, and along the Pacific Coast. They prefer conifer or mixed woodland edges, suburban areas, orchards and parks. They breed in cool conifer forests, and they winter where food is available. Female Purple Finches can be mistaken for House Finches, but can be told apart due to their more sharply defined streaks on breast and well marked face with a distinct whitish eyebrow and fine streaks on the crown. If the light is hitting them just right, they take on a greenish hue.
To purchase card, prints, including matted and canvas prints, click on link,
Taken on Dec 31/11 at 2:43pm on south east Vancouver Island, BC, Canada.
Camera, Canon 7D
Lens, Canon EF 100-400mm L IS USM lens.
Tripod, Manfrotto, including 498RC2 ballhead.
Flash, 480 EX flashlite
Taken at 1/640’s at f/6.3, 400 mm, fill light, man white bal, iso 800.
No cropping.
Tags: birds purple finches finches nature wildlife pacific northwest BC Canada Sandy Stewart
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A Lorquin's Admiral Butterfly feeding from a Butterfly Bush.
Tags: insects butterflies lorquin's admiral summer wings blue sky flowers
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