We are now open @ Kalon Bay
Scafall, sacredsquare. and Zia Branner galleries are now officially open. We hope you enjoy our promos and the new setup! Please look forward to our opening party with more giveaways.
Enjoy your visit ♥
↠ Taxi to Kalon Bay
With special promos:
"Kintsugi" by Zia Branner
"Prime" by sacredsquare.
"Kalon Cabin" by Scafall
Zia Branner | sacredsquare. | Scafall
Bayside galleries nestled among Palawan Islands. Tour, shop, then unwind in our alfresco area.
"What is done with love is done well" Van Gogh
Tags: sacredsquare. Zia Branner Scafall Second Life
© All Rights Reserved
Coming Soon: Scafall's Building Simulator
I'm proud to introduce a unique viewing experience for our patrons. All demo SLURLs and teleports will be redirected here within the next few days. Get ready to explore the prelude of our forthcoming shopping square.
Featuring our current weekend sale items - still on promotional price by our landing area:
↠ Taxi to mainstore
Tags: Scafall Second Life
© All Rights Reserved
Scafall Simulators are officially open!
Use the glass panels for directions and teleportation.
↠ Taxi to Simulator I
Our VIP group got first notice yesterday, and since then:
◆ Instructions have been added to the rezzers, for those not so familiar.
◆ Some stair lights have been added to help guide you to the demos.
Here you can:
◆ Explore and rez Scafall builds.
◆ Get a 10% refund with our group tag when purchasing directly from the rezzers (the largest image is the active build for purchase).
For related decor, teleport back to the store via the glass panel and head to our decor area.
Some useful things to note about our rezzers:
◆ Tap arrows to scroll through available builds.
◆ Scrolling moves you one position in the catalog
◆ The largest image shows the active build for rezzing and purchasing.
◆ If the home you want to explore appears as a smaller thumbnail, you can click it to skip scrolling.
◆ Click 'rez' to explore your chosen build.
◆ Enjoy exploring!
For your own copy of these instructions, tap the phone by the entrance way.
Tags: Scafall Second Life
© All Rights Reserved