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User / SantiMB.Photos / Sets / Dubrovnik
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Dubrovnik (Croatia).

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Ship / Navío: Zenith
Year built / Año construcción: 1992
Passengers / Pasajeros: 1374
Crew / Tripulación: 670
Decks / Cubiertas: 11
Weight / Tonelaje: 47255 m.t.
Beam / Manga: 29 m
Lenght / Eslora: 207 m
Draft / Calado: 7,20 m
Speed / Velocidad: 21 kn

Tags:   zenith crucero cruise 2010 dubrovnik croacia croatia pullmantur robado stolen manguera hose ship barco ventanas windows hombre man limpiando cleaning

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Dubrovnik (Croatia).

Better seen in Fluidr.
Se ve mejor en Fluidr.

Ship / Navío: Zenith
Year built / Año construcción: 1992
Passengers / Pasajeros: 1374
Crew / Tripulación: 670
Decks / Cubiertas: 11
Weight / Tonelaje: 47255 m.t.
Beam / Manga: 29 m
Lenght / Eslora: 207 m
Draft / Calado: 7,20 m
Speed / Velocidad: 21 kn

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Dubrovnik (Croatia).

Better seen in Fluidr.
Se ve mejor en Fluidr.

Fort Lovrijenac or St. Lawrence Fortress, often called "Dubrovnik's Gibraltar", is a fortress and theater located outside the western wall of the city of Dubrovnik in Croatia, 37 m above sea level. Famous for its plays and importance in resisting Venetian rule, it overshadows the two entrances to the city, from the sea and by land. The Chronicles of Ragusa (Dubrovnik) concern the origin of the city, the Ragusan Empire. Early in the 11th century the Venetians attempted to build a fort on the same spot where Fort Lovrijenac currently stands. If they had succeeded, they would have kept Dubrovnik under their power, but the people of the city beat them to it. The Chronicles of Ragusa reveal how the fort was built within just three months time and from then on constantly reconstructed. When the Venetian ships arrived, full of materials for the construction of the fort, they were told to return to Venice.

More info: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lovrijenac


Lovrijenac es una fortaleza situada justo al oeste de Grad, o ciudad vieja de Dubrovnik (Croacia), que fue construida a finales del siglo XV y el XVI y que servía de refuerzo a las murallas de Dubrovnik.

Está ubicada sobre un saliente de tierra entre dos bahías o calas. La del este tiene dos rocas, y entre la fortaleza y las murallas está la iglesia de San Edurda; se llamana bahía de Pile o Uvala Pile. Al oeste la bahía se conoce con el nombre de Lovrijenac (Uvala Lovrijenac).

Fuente (en catalán): ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lovrijenac

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Dubrovnik (Croatia).

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The Minčeta Tower is the most prominent point in the defense system toward the land. The tower's name derives from the name of the Menčetić family, who owned the ground the tower was built upon. By its height and impressive volume the tower dominates the northwestern high part of the city and the walls. Minčeta Tower was build by a local builder Nicifor Ranjina and Italian engineers sent by Pope Pius II in 1463 at the height of the Turkish treat, originally as a strong four-sided fort. In the middle of the 15th century, around the earlier quadrilateral fort, Michelozzo built a new round tower adapted to the new technique of warfare and joined it to the new system of low scarp walls. The walls of the new tower were full 6 meters (20 feet) thick and had a series of protected gun ports. The architect and sculptor Giorgio da Sebenico of Zadar, continued the work on the Minčeta. He designed and built the high narrow round tower, while the battlements are a later addition. The tower was completed in 1464, and is the symbol of the unconquerable city of Dubrovnik. Since it is the highest point of the wall, it is considered to offer a seemingly "unforgettable" view on the city.

More info: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walls_of_Dubrovnik#Min.C4.8Deta_Tower


La Torre Minceta es el punto más alto de las murallas de Dubrovnik (Croacia). Se sitúa en la parte noroeste mirando desde el mar. Consiste en una torre circular con acceso por un portal con escalones amplios, y en el interior una sala redonda con unas escaleras de acceso hacia la parte superior almenada desde donde se domina la bahía o Puerto de Dubrovnik, el mar, el monte Sred y Pile y Ploče. En esta parte superior hay una garita para la guardia de la vigilancia, protegida por una reja de hierro.

Fuente (en catalán): ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torre_Minceta

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Dubrovnik (Croatia).

Better seen in Fluidr.
Se ve mejor en Fluidr.

The Walls of Dubrovnik are a series of defensive stone walls that have surrounded and protected citizens of the afterward proclaimed maritime city-state of Dubrovnik (Ragusa), situated in southern Croatia, since the city's founding prior to the 7th century as a Byzantium castrum on a rocky island named Laus (Ragusia or Lave). With numerous additions and modifications throughout their history, they have been considered to be amongst the great fortification systems of the Middle Ages, as they were never breached by hostile army during this time period. In 1979, the old city of Dubrovnik, which includes a substantial portion of the old walls of Dubrovnik, joined the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites.

The oldest systems of fortifications around the town were likely wooden palisades. Today's intact city walls, constructed mainly during the 12th–17th centuries, mostly a double line, have long been a source of pride for Dubrovnik. The walls run an uninterrupted course of approximately 1,940 metres (6,360 ft) in length, encircling most of the old city, and reach a maximum height of about 25 metres (82 ft). The bulk of the existing walls and fortifications were constructed during the 14th and 15th centuries, but were continually extended and strengthened up until the 17th century.

This complex structure, amongst the largest and most complete in Europe, protected the freedom and safety of a "civilised" and "sophisticated" republic that flourished in peace and prosperity for five centuries. Walls were reinforced by three circular and 14 quadrangular towers, five bastions (bulwarks), two angular fortifications and the large St. John's Fortress. Land Walls were additionally reinforced by one larger and nine smaller semicircular bastions, and the casemate Fort Bokar, the oldest preserved fort of that kind in Europe. The moat that ran around the outside section of the city walls which were armed by more than 120 cannons, made superb city defense.

More info: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walls_of_Dubrovnik


Las Murallas de Dubrovnik (Croacia) son una construcción monumental hecha entre los siglos XIII y XVI, de más de dos kilómetres de longitud y veinticinco metros de altura, que rodean la ciudad vieja, antes Ragusa, y la protegieron durante su periodo de independencia de los ataques exteriores. Dispone de 16 torres, las principales de las cuales son la Torre Minceta en el punto más alto, la torre Bokar en el flanco izquierdo del lado de mar, la de Sveti Ivan (San Juan) en el flanco derecho (e izquierdo del puerto), y la de Sveti Luka (Sant Lluc) en el flanco derecho del puerto. Se complementa con dos fortalezas separadas: Lovrijenac, en el flanco izquierdo por el lado de mar, separada de las murallas por una cala, y la de Revelin, protegiendo la entrada por Ploce.

Fuente (en catalán): ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muralles_de_Dubrovnik

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