A strange deformed variety of cactus Cereus peruvianus monstrose. A number of cactus species seem to have monstrose cultivars, which seems to indicate this type of deformed appearance. For 2016: one photo each day (102/366)
Tags: cactus cultivated monstrose
I lost the tag for this cactus, thanks to Barbol for the ID. For scale it is planted in a 3" (7.6cm) clay pot, but is pretty young. For 2016: one photo each day (100/366). Location is Austin, Texas, U.S., but this came from a nursery (Home Depot) so I have no idea what its native region is.
Tags: cactus
"Balloon Cactus" (Notocactus magnificus), native to Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul) and nearby Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina . It has a small range (extent of occurrence is 2,600 km2) and it is severely fragmented. Habitat is hilly grassland with rich soil. Also known as Parodia magnifica. For 2016:one photo each day (97/366)
Tags: cactus succulent
Found this interesting hybrid in Home Depot. Its one true name is Opuntia (vestita x subulata). It has been called Opuntia crest "Roller Coaster". Both species are native to South America. It's the most unique cactus I've seen. For 2016: one photo each day (67/366)
Tags: cactus hybrid
Opuntia monacantha monstrose variegata to be exact. This is a variegated cultivar of a species native to eastern South America. For 2016: one photo each day (58/366).
Tags: cactus pricklypear