ANSH132 #10 wave
The Gulf of Mexico at Bali Park in Corpus Christi, Texas on a calm day, albeit with a lot of storm clouds triggered from an upper level low with a lot of tropical moisture.
Tags: scavenger10
ANSH132 #12 "Local icon"
124 Pictures in 2024 #10 "Bamboozled"
This is what's left of the iconic Bob Hall Pier in Bali Park in Corpus Christi, Texas. This was "Mikel Mays", a very popular restaurant that was attached to the pier in the tidal zone (between low and high tide lines). The pier was so severely damaged in Hurricane Hannah in 2020 that it was torn down, and finally a new pier is about to start construction sometime this year. The puzzle is why the shell of the restaurant was left standing, as it will need to go to make room for the new pier and restaurant.
Tags: scavenger12 bamboozled
ANSH132 #17 "Food truck"
A food truck selling street tacos in Corpus Christi, Texas. This truck was not open when I took this shot, but does seem to be open at dinner time. I had not noticed it before I went looking for one, now I will have to go try it soon.
Tags: scavenger17 food truck
ANSH132 #19 "thunder clouds"
This was taken from my back yard during a brief period when some of the clouds were visible and sunlit. Juat a few minutes later the sky opened to a deluge, a very heavy rain, and yes, there was a bit of thunder involved, but it was over in about 15 minutes.
Tags: scavenger19
ANSH132 #15 "View of an ocean, lake, river, pond or stream"
This is the Laguna Madre, Spanish for Mother Lake, named by Spanish explorers when they first came to the area in the 1500s. It is the body of water sitting behind barrier islands and runs from Corpus Christi down to Brownsville where it is ended by the banks of the Rio Grande River. It is hypersaline due to having few outlets to the Gulf of Mexico (Padre Island is almost 130 miles long). It is also quite shallow, at least on the northern end, except for the channel dredged out for the Intracoastal Waterway that runs the entire length of the Texas Coast, and beyond into Louisiana.
Tags: scavenger15 laguna madre