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User / TVGuy / Sets / 2009 RMNP
Greg Thow / 154 items

N 15 B 1.7K C 45 E Aug 3, 2009 F Nov 3, 2009
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This photo is actually in today's (Tuesday, November 3rd) USA Today.. on the weather page (last page of the A section)....

Booth: A decomposed corpse was found this morning at Arlington National Cemetery...
Brennan: Arlington National Cemetery is full of decomposed corpses. It's... a cemetery..
--"Bones" (FOX)

Tags:   rocky mountain national park elk green sky mountains clouds canon colorado

N 0 B 397 C 10 E Aug 3, 2009 F Aug 4, 2009
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Moffat Tunnel West Portal in Winter Park, Colorado....

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Frasier: There's an incredible piece of scientific equipment known as the Tunneling Electron Microscope. Now, this microscope is so powerful that by firing electrons you can actually see images of the atom, the infinitesimally minute building block of our universe. If I were using that microscope right now....I still wouldn't be able to locate my interest in your problem.
--"Frasier" (NBC)

Tags:   moffat tunnel colorado ski train mountain train sky clouds winter park canon

N 0 B 78 C 4 E Aug 3, 2009 F Aug 3, 2009
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Rocky Mountain National Park about 6 hours ago...

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Lois: You know, it's just wonderful being angry at a national treasure...
--"Lois & Clark" (ABC)

Tags:   rocky mountain national park mountains sky clouds colorado outdoor day canon

N 1 B 153 C 5 E Aug 1, 2009 F Aug 1, 2009
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an elk hanging out in Rocky Mountain National Park during my drive today..

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Ted: This is Ted Nugent, the Motor City Madman, urging you to vote no on Proposition 87. If we don't allow crossbows in our public schools, how will we protect our children from charging elk?
--"The Simpsons" (FOX)

Tags:   elk rocky mountain mountains national park colorado wild animal

N 6 B 257 C 16 E Aug 1, 2009 F Aug 2, 2009
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Rocky Mountain National Park... at the end of Fall River Road...

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Sarek: I never knew what Spock was doing. When he was a boy he would disappear for days into the mountains. I would ask him where he'd gone, what he'd done; he refused to tell me. I insisted that he tell me; he would not. I forbade him to go; he ignored me. I punished him; he endured it, silently. But always he returned to the mountains; one might as well ask a river not to run. But secretly I admired him, that proud core of him that would not yield...
--"Star Trek: The Next Generation" (Syndicated)

Tags:   GoldStarAward
