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User / skallesplitter
Versteinert / 195 items

N 125 B 3.1K C 9 E Jul 12, 2024 F Aug 6, 2024
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Inspired by the VW T3 from @je_brickworks and the T1 from @1saacbricks and of course inspired by our own VW T3 Vanagon I tried to build a VW Bulli by myself. Although I usually do not show WIPs, this is just a first version that definitely needs some further work. For example I'm not really satisfied with the wheels and the grill. And the car still has got an open back, so no pics from behind at the moment ;)
At the first look, the VW T3 bus seems like a simple block, but meeting the real proportions in this scale is harder than it seems ;)
The Bulli is 7 studs wide (to fit the 6 studs windscreen while angle the side windows to come as close to the original as possible) and built only with original LEGO parts - no cutting, no glue, no custom parts.

Tags:   lego volkswagen vw vanagon vanlife Minifig Scale Minifigure Scale 7studs bulli

N 83 B 4.1K C 6 E May 11, 2024 F May 11, 2024
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Eighth and last round of Rogue Olympics 2024, as always with a piece count limit of 101. Topic is "focus" or the german word "Fokus". In Germany you can also call it "Brennpunkt" and since I like to interpret topics a bit I thought about "Brennpunktviertel" which means something like "deprived districts". So I built a small scene of a woman defending the trailor park and her home from being cleared. The scene is a free interpretation of the clearing of the Bambule trailer park in Hamburg in 2002.

Tags:   lego construction trailer riot fight for your right Roguebricks Rogueolympics

N 27 B 1.8K C 1 E May 3, 2024 F May 3, 2024
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Seventh week and seventh round of RogueOlympics 2024. This time topic is "chaos". When reading the topic I nearly instantly thought of orcs and Warcraft III - Reign of Chaos. To be honest, the Juggernaught is much more important in Warcraft II - Tides of Darkness, but see it as a representative for Warcraft in general and for all orcs, which aren't really known as evil but as chaotic. Piece count limit as usual 101, I used all 101 parts.

Tags:   lego Roguebricks Rogueolympics Warcraft world of warcraft juggernaught juggernaut battleship orc orcs

N 40 B 2.8K C 4 E May 3, 2024 F May 3, 2024
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Seventh week and seventh round of RogueOlympics 2024. This time topic is "chaos". When reading the topic I nearly instantly thought of orcs and Warcraft III - Reign of Chaos. To be honest, the Juggernaught is much more important in Warcraft II - Tides of Darkness, but see it as a representative for Warcraft in general and for all orcs, which aren't really known as evil but as chaotic. Piece count limit as usual 101, I used all 101 parts.

Tags:   lego Roguebricks Rogueolympics Warcraft world of warcraft juggernaught juggernaut battleship orc orcs

N 70 B 3.9K C 7 E Apr 28, 2024 F Apr 28, 2024
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Here's my entry for round 6 of Rogue Olympics 2024. This week's topic is "mind". So I thought, maybe I can show off the (lack of?) mind of cars in the case of autonomous driving. This moc should say something like "does the person in the car really know what the car does right now?" ;)
Piece count limit was 101. I used 101 pieces.

Tags:   Roguebricks Rogueolympics rat rod hot rod brain lego lego brain croissant brain speedchampions
