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User / Wei-Hao Wang / Favorites
Wei-Hao Wang / 1,058 items

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This sequence taken on the latest Solar Eclipse near the town of Torreón México, showcases the two contacts C2 and C3 with the baily's beads and the maximum of the solar eclipse, the Moon at the center is a composition taken from another time, some local clouds made difficult the catch the earthshine

Secuence taken with the Canon R8 + Tamron 150-600 G2 Lens, ISO 160

All the sequence was automated by SETnC for Canon by Robert Nufer

Process with Adobe Photoshop CC 2024

N 12 B 152 C 0 E Sep 10, 2024 F Sep 10, 2024
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NGC 55
Credit: ESO/Dss2, Giuseppe Donatiello
Colorized plate

RA 00h 14m 53.6s Dec −39° 11′ 48″
(3.80532831238, -39.211756044)

NGC 55 is a Magellanic galaxy at 2.2Mpc (7Mly) in Sculptor. It is part of the Sculptor Group, a nearby group of galaxies in the constellation of the same name.

Tags:   NGC 55 Sculptor Galaxy Group Sculptor Group

N 20 B 346 C 0 E Sep 3, 2024 F Sep 3, 2024
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Astro-Physics Riccardi-Honders 305mm @ F/3.65
Moravian C3 61000 + Chroma L, Ha
Astro Physics 1200
Astro-Physics 130 GTX + QUADTCC @ F/4.5
Moravian G3 11002 + Astrodon RGB
Astro Physics 1200

L: 56x300s bin 1x1
Ha: 61x300s bin 1x1
RGB: 50x300s bin 1x1

Total exposure: 24h

Captured with Sequence Generator Pro
Processed with Pixinsight

N 182 B 9.4K C 10 E Sep 1, 2024 F Sep 1, 2024
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Galaxies in Cassiopeia imaged with the AP 130GTX with Quad TCC reducer and ASI 461 MM pro. 7 hours of luminance 2 hours each of RGB all 300s subs.

N 23 B 763 C 2 E Aug 30, 2024 F Aug 30, 2024
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Sharpstar 140 at f/4.8, 320 x 300 seconds over 2 panels, ZWO ASI6200MC camera. Remotely imaged in Yass, NSW.
