In this relatively tight area, crews will a new bridge pier to support the new SR 167 southbound HOT lane as it travels over SR 18.
Tags: SR 167 SR 18 Closure bridge pier Construction Work Zone
Crews have already begun excavating the space for the 8-foot-wide and 120-foot-tall cement column that will support the future SR 167 southbound HOT lane.
Tags: SR 18 Bridge bridge pier Work Zone Weekend closure Closure
Crews are already assembling one crane on SR 18 at SR 167. Getting ready for the big closure weekend ahead!
Tags: Crane Work Zone SR 18 SR 167 Closure Weekend closure
This 120-foot-long rebar cage will become the foundation of the new SR 167 southbound HOT lane bridge pier.
Tags: rebar SR 18 SR 167 Bridge bridge pier Drilling
The SR 18 Weekend Closure banner is up, folks! Tune in to 530 AM for more info.
Tags: SR 18 Closure Sign Construction Weekend closure