Chunks of concrete fell onto southbound I-5 after an oversized load hit the Koontz Road overpass Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2015. Two of the four girders supporting the bridge are severely damaged and will need to be replaced before Koontz Road reopens to traffic.
Tags: ^bt bridge damage concrete girder oversized load I-5 infrastructure WSDOT Lewis County
Cracks in the concrete bridge girder are visible after an oversized load hit the Koontz Road overpass Dec. 8, 2015. For the safety of the traveling public, WSDOT closed the overpass until repairs are made.
Tags: ^bt WSDOT bridge damage concrete girder bridge highway overpass infrastructure
This is the oversized load that damaged the I-5 Koontz Road overpass Dec. 8, 2015. The permit filed by the carrier indicated the height of the cargo to be 16-feet, but the overpass is 14-feet-6 inches.
Tags: ^bt wsdot oversized cargo oversized load freight I-5 Lewis County
The highway sign in the picture was removed after the Koontz Road overpass was hit by an oversized load on southbound I-5, Dec. 8, 2015. The girder holding the sign is damaged beyond repair and will need to be replaced.
Tags: ^bt WSDOT Bridge damage Lewis County I-5 Concrete girder