Aerial photo taken of the old ramps that once connected to SR 520 -and a couple that never did! Date of the photo is uncertain, but it was likely taken in the mid-1960s.
Tags: ^GP state route 520 historic photos color 1960s wsdot aerial
In this 1960s vintage aerial photograph, you are looking west at the approach to the SR 520 bridge from the Eastside. Look closely and you will see the original toll booth plaza that operated until 1979.
Tags: ^GP state route 520 historic photos color 1960s wsdot aerial
Aerial photograph from the 1960s showing the SR 520 corridor east of Portage Bay.
Tags: ^GP state route 520 historic photos color 1960s wsdot aerial
This aerial photo from the WSDOT archives looks west at the 520 corridor approaching the floating bridge. Estimated date mid-1960s.
Tags: ^GP state route 520 historic photos color 1960s wsdot aerial
1960s aerial photo looking east at SR 520, and also featuring the University of Washington campus, old Husky Stadium and the Montlake neighborhood.
Tags: ^GP state route 520 historic photos color 1960s wsdot aerial