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Marjan Smeijsters / 50 items

N 3 B 10 C 2 E Sep 21, 2024 F Sep 21, 2024
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.... here you see Thais joyfully riding a rubber alligator that I brought her from Italy. The little girl had won me over and I had won her over, when I arrived in Rio I always brought her something. One time I arrived with a Pinocchio and two dolls, one white and one black that I hid in the closets and in a drawer. When they arrived I immediately gave to Thais a box of chocolates and a big ice cream. Then, while I was talking with Sol, I suddenly told Thais that I heard a little voice, coming from the drawer, calling her, to try to open it and see what it was, she opened it and found the Pinocchio. Later I asked her if she still heard another little voice calling her from one of the closets, we went to look and found the white doll, at the end there was still someone, from the other closet, calling "Thais" and behold, the black doll smiling appeared.....


... qui vedete Thais gioiosa in groppa ad un alligatore di gomma che le avevo portato dall'Italia. M'aveva conquistato la piccola ed io avevo conquistato lei, quando arrivavo a Rio le portavo sempre qualcosa. Una volta arrivai con un Pinocchio e due bambole, una bianca ed una nera che nascosi negli armadi e in un cassetto. Quando arrivarono loro diedi subito a Thais una scatola di cioccolatini ed un grosso gelato. Poi, mentre chiacchieravo con Sol, ad un tratto dissi a Thais che sentivo una vocina, proveniente dal cassetto, che la chiamava, di provare ad aprirlo e vedere cosa fosse, lei lo aprì e trovò il Pinocchio. Più avanti le chiesi se sentiva ancora un'altra vocina che la chiamava da uno degli armadi , andammo a vedere e trovammo la bambola bianca, infine c'era ancora qualcuno, dall'altro armadio, che chiamava "Thais" ed ecco che spuntò, tutta sorridente, la bambola nera.....

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Like an air of autumn - Cantal - Auvergne - France - Europe

Tags:   Hortensia hydrangea Cantal Auvergne France Europe Extérieur Outside été Summer Journée Day In my garden Dans mon Jardin Feuilles Leaves Feuillage Foliage Fleurs Flowers Flore Flora Pétales Petals Macro Focus Close up Jaune Yellow Purple Violet Vert Green Végétaux Végétation Lumière Light Céline Bizot Zanatta Cel' Art BZ Portrait

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Amsterdam - Amstelstation

Copyright - All images are copyright © protected. All Rights Reserved. Copying, altering, displaying or redistribution of any of these images without written permission from the artist is strictly prohibited.

Tags:   frank hendriks netherlands amsterdam amstelstation atmosphere support for ukraine

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El yacimiento arqueológico de Los Millares es un asentamiento prehistórico de la Edad del Cobre (3200-2200 a. C), formado por el poblado y su necrópolis con una extensión de 6 y 13 hectáreas respectivamente. Investigadores y científicos demostraron en el año 2020 que Los Millares fue la primera ciudad establecida de toda la península ibérica hace más de 5000 años.​ Además, está considerado por científicos e historiadores como uno de los más importantes asentamientos de esta cultura en Europa y en el mundo.​ Está situado en el municipio de Santa Fe de Mondújar en la provincia de Almería, España, se localiza sobre un gran espolón amesetado que forman el río Andarax y la rambla de Huéchar, donde se construyó un poblado con cuatro líneas de muralla, una necrópolis formada por unas 80 tumbas colectivas y una doble línea de fortines que controlan visualmente los accesos a todo el conjunto arqueológico.

The archaeological site of Los Millares is a prehistoric settlement from the Copper Age (3200-2200 BC), formed by the town and its necropolis with an area of 6 and 13 hectares respectively. Researchers and scientists demonstrated in 2020 that Los Millares was the first city established in the entire Iberian Peninsula more than 5,000 years ago. In addition, it is considered by scientists and historians as one of the most important settlements of this culture in Europe and in the world.​ It is located in the municipality of Santa Fe de Mondújar in the province of Almería, Spain, it is located on a large plateau spur formed by the Andarax River and the Huéchar Rambla, where a town with four lines of wall was built. , a necropolis made up of about 80 collective tombs and a double line of forts that visually control access to the entire archaeological complex.


Gracias por vuestras visitas, comentarios y favoritos!
Thanks for your visits, comments and faves!

Tags:   Los Millares Yacimiento Arqueológico Arqueología Edad del Cobre Almería B&W

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